"There is Always Support"
If You have no Support or Help in your Inner Circle of people Know there IS on the Outer Cir-cle, Don't let Fear keep You from seeking it.
"This Stops the Flow"
"Doubt" dissolves what You Believe in including yourself. Don't get started on this habit, if You have it's time for You to Stop.
"Take a Look at your Reasons"
I am who I am, but am I who I should be? If I am not, then what reasons have I attached myself to that stops me? Reasons Keep You on the same step and/ or in the past, which means You are Not Evolving or Moving-on to the next Step in Life. Don't get Stuck, Move On.
"Don't Miss the Opportunity to Change"
Some will treat a stranger Far Better than those close to them. What is Given to the Stranger IS what must be Given to those close to You. This is the Lesson for those involved to See and Change.
"This Is the challenge in the Low and Negative Moments"
Do your "Best" means; use your Highest Energies, Best Words and Actions in Every moment to ALL Beings in Life. See if You can do this when your "Buttons" get pushed, it is a Choice even in those moments.
"Don't let your Mind take You there"
If You "Miss" things in Life, it means You are Not Enjoying the Moment You are In. Your Awareness will bring You Back into the Now.
"Do the Work, Keep Going and Trust it Will Show Up"
If a Lesson shows up instead of what You are manifesting or desire in Life, it means what's in the Lesson is Blocking the Flow of the item. You must complete and let go of this Layer, Don't get discouraged if there are More Layers to clear before the item appears.
"What gets Stronger is "Resistance"
If You continue to DO the Same things in Life, no New Experiences will be Allowed. If You are at this stage, "Change" gets Weaker or Nonexistent and "Resistance" gets Stronger. Embrace those that Introduce Change and/ or a different Way of Being. This is a Way Out of this Behav-ior.
"Things Are Not Random in Life"
Anything introduced on your Path will be experienced at some point unless it is already Mas-tered. Your Reaction or Response will tell You if it is Mastered or a Lesson is needed to com-plete the Mastership.
"There will come a time when You just Know"
When You "FULLY" understand the Wisdom given, an Experience is Not needed on any Topic.
"Just a Reminder"
Get in the Behavior of Focusing your Attention Inward in Every moment, for this IS what's needed when your Buttons get pushed to Defeat the Energy that is rising within You before it gets to your head. If the Energy reaches your head it has control of You, just release it but Not unto others.
"Observe and Feel in these Moments"
Authentic Kindness is an Empowering experience unlike an Empty Kindness that Takes or is Meaningless. Both do exist, one is more common than the other.
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