she want softness to her skin but....

don't say it, if you don't mean it
let the sleeping dog lie
today has come and gone 
someone has become somebodies wife
after nursing your children,
 now your children children 
what a life!
i mean, what a fuck!
some people need to learn how to let go
teach me how to die, 
so i won't have to fear death anymore
it's important to have the full message 
for you to stop judging me 
she want softness to her skin but she don't wan't softness to her heart
what a life
i guess she don't know what to do
i guess all these boys don't know what to do with their lives
i keep watch to observe while my pen do the writing
who came up with the test kit? 
who came up with names and i wonder why the fear is traveling more than the virus

