I found truth beneath lies

The are two ways to go through life
To travel or to wander
The wanderer sees what the traveler misses on the way to his destination
Who is the wanderer and who is the traveler
A traveler picks a lot on his/her way
A wanderer sees a lot on his/her way
One of the them have destination
One of them don't
Matrix number don't fear me anymore
Life is here, it's only harder to see
I wonder my thoughts to catch my feelings
Been staring at the full moon for five days straight
Near people I long to be alone
At dark I crave for companion
The revelations is my torture
I clean my plate, put away my dirty things
This air is still but neither hot nor cold
I sit and think
All is perfect, I believe
I am complete I have want of nothing
Freedom to do my own mistake
I found truth beneath lies
I wonder to and flow like the Satan
I see, I pick
Nothing passes my eye, just like the bird flying freely on the wind
To be the wind is to be what we are, to become the wind is to be alive and is too painful to bear
How can we become what we truly are without the pain and the suffering of this life.
What must be done, must be done, Dear God, brings us home when are done

