She whispers in my ears

  She whispers in my ears, "Did you know that the dark side of you greatness fear is you will find your light, and you may loose some battles with yourself when you start changing your way of being. This is to be expected but do not let the battles defeat you."
To me self discovery is when we start noticing other people's words and actions, then we start denying that we do any of this, then we look our self in the mirror and realize we have the same similar words, actions and more. Here we are, the change we looking for.
The key here is not to get stuck on any of the steps or get confused on what to do or what is happening to us.
  I wish we all will get the idea of what we should be doing; looking for where we agree and not where we disagree. I thinks this idea is the most important.
So sad how we reject knowledge and we still praying for change...
many of us being praying for open doors but when we have an idea or different perspective is given to us we refuse to act upon it. Its a door opening for us, we should try to leave the door open and when it is the right time, we will walk through. That's our light sending us help in every situation we faced in our path in life. we should know there is always more way to see and do in life.
 She called me by my name the second time; "Remember the moment you know about this, you should observe everything you say and do in life. That's the time you become the observer of you. Look and listen everything going on inside and outside of you, then start changing everything that is not inline with your light.
 The only person who gives up on you is you. Everybody is waiting to assist.

 peace and love

  thank you.
