Destiny of Souls

   Our life between lives... some people are wondering why they are passing through shit they passing through right now.
somebody is asking what kind of tests do we have to go through each day in life and why.
I tell em many of us go through tests consist of experiencing in ourselves what we have made others go through and facing the consequences of the situation which we our self have created, so that we are conscious of the suffering or happiness that these actions have brought upon others.
They said whatever you sow you shall leap... Some think that shit is a joke. we can never cheat nature. What she gives you, either you make use of it or you make abuse of it.
 We live life in-between.
How many times do I need to travel to astral. My clairvoyants is telling me that my silver cord can't be broken. I thought I was hallucinating but it was real.
why are we so busy seeing what our sense and our mind is telling us, so distance from what we can perceive from our feeling, that we are unaware of our mission on earth.
Life and human being is the result of Chance, rather than causality.
We know author through his work. our world is in circle around  us.
I began to know myself and the world around me; I began to think I am....
I don't need a role model. We don't share the same story. That intelligent is bordering me, who made it?
They can't define my soul, It's my dwelling place.
If you watch the glory. Destiny is a strong bond that can't be revoked. Somebody told me is either you live as miracle or live as if there is no miracle either ways you are correct. Destiny of souls must be revealed.


