6 o'clock at A town

Many times when we are struggling to make a different in the world where everybody wants to belong.

you tend to be misunderstood .

your close family and friends will think you are crazy;

 but you are just trying to stand out.

I'm sitting at a block industry watching the sunset at west...

I see no other thing but two young boys working and I think they been doing this since morning.

If they have mastered there hustle upon how hard there work seems..

at this hour of the day they are still grinding,

It's 5 mins pass the hour of 6 o'clock.

sitting close to them while reminiscing on my next move.

the strength in these boys inspire me to do more,...

there focus is extraordinary. I wish they know what we are up against.

life goes on, on and on it goes....

either you catch up or you will be left over.

my body is cleaning up, they left me in the dust, but God raise me.

it was not so in the beginning.

I wonder what happens.

we need all the energy they took from us....

They made us believe we are alone ,

many times when we want to say something they block us out...

In there head our opinion doesn't matter....

sometimes to be different will break you,
 only to build you.

stay strong...... Excalade!


